Sunday 9 February 2014

Where am I?

Okay I have to admit it, I haven't posted in this blog for quite some time now (for a really long time more like). This is probably due to keeping up with my new blog with the promise of at least one post a week, although in the middle of January I haven't been keeping this promise either. And that is probably due to the copious amounts of internships and opportunities that I keep on saying "yes" to - I couldn't say no! Plus the building up of school work really didn't help; I was becoming a lot slower in making deadlines and there were too many evenings when I wouldn't even touch or begin a piece of homework. It had gone out of spiral and definitely out of control. I had to close doors because of this and release the stress and gain relief! I'm glad I did that though because I wouldn't be able to manage to do everything all at once and I would be giving myself stress upon stress unnecessarily - that would be living very unhealthily. And who knows, by the end of it if I'd make it through? Who knows if I could end up being mentally unstable?

This post, although not being written in the first month of the new year, is the first post of the year because I can actually begin to learn from past mistakes and try to prevent it from happening again in a vicious circle. It's not fun being in the same old place time and time again.

It doesn't seem like I have a plan for this blog when I actually do! It's not fully revealed yet but some of the things mentioned in the list include:

  1. Writing once a week
  2. Changing formats to the blog (font, background etc.) with more pictures
  3. Sharing my contents to groups and circles, social media
I'm not going to show the whole list, I'd rather have you discover them yourselves. Most of them are obvious but some will come in pretty sneakily so stay tuned to this blog! Be sure to follow this blog and follow my fashion blog too for a lot of exciting stuff to arise!

For now, it's a see you later.

God bless,
Priscilla x

p.s. oh yeah, I'm 18 today so more of that will be written in both blog form and video form (My Youtube Channel